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Dust Extraction podiatry drills use a vacuum contained within the hand piece to remove dust and debris generated during treatment. Shop from brands including Berchtold, PodoSmart, Hadewe and Baehr Tec.

Spray podiatry drills use mist to capture the dust as it falls to help prevent you from breathing particles in. Shop from brands including JetSpray and Hadewe.

Portable and Domiciliary drills are lightweight drills designed for domiciliary use. Effective respiratory protection is essential as there is no dust extraction or spray with these units. Shop from brands including Berchtold, PodoSmart and Hadewe.

If you require more advice or guidance, contact our office and ask to speak to one of our Business Development Managers.


40 results

per page
From £199.00 Was £270.00
From £190.00 Was £325.00
From £4.13 Was £8.75
From £56.85 Was £105.00
From £63.88 Was £135.00
From £84.98 Was £185.00

40 results

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Drills Comparison